

Refereed Journals (Google Scholar Page)

Marx FG, Buono MR, Evans AR, Fordyce RE, Reguero M, Hocking DP. 2019. Gigantic mysticete predators roamed the Eocene Southern Ocean. Antarctic Science.

Ladds MA, Salton M, Hocking DP, McIntosh RR, Thompson AP, Slip DJ, Harcourt RG. 2018. Using accelerometers to develop time-energy budgets of wild fur seals from captive surrogates. Peer J. 6, e5814.

Hocking DP, Marx FG, Sattler R, Harris RN, Pollock TI, Sorrell KJ, Fitzgerald EMG, McCurry MR, Evans AR. 2018 Clawed forelimbs allow northern seals to eat like their ancient ancestors. Royal Society Open Science. 5: 172393.

Hocking DP, Marx FG, Fitzgerald EMG, Evans AR. 2017. Ancient whales did not filter feed with their teeth. Biology Letters. 13: 20170348.

Hocking DP, Marx FG, Park T, Fitzgerald EMG, Evans AR. 2017. Reply to comment by Kienle et al. 2017. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 284: 20171836.

Sprogis KR, Raudino HC, Hocking DP, Bejder L. 2017. Complex prey handling of octopus by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) Marine Mammal Science. 33: 934–945

Hocking DP, Ladds MA, Slip DJ, Fitzgerald EMG, Evans AR. 2017. Chew, shake, and tear: Prey processing in Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea). Marine Mammal Science

Hocking DP, Marx FG, Park T, Fitzgerald EMG, Evans AR. 2017. A behavioural framework for the evolution of feeding in predatory aquatic mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 284: 20162750.

Ladds MA, Thompson AP, Kadar JP, Slip D, Hocking DP, Harcourt R. 2017. Super machine learning: improving accuracy and reducing variance of behaviour classification from accelerometry. Animal biotelemetry. 7(8):1-9

Ladds MA, Thompson AP, Slip DJ, Hocking DP and Harcourt, RG. 2016. Seeing it all: evaluating supervised machine learning methods for the classification of diverse otariid behaviours. PLoS One. 11(12): e0166898.

Marx FG, Hocking DP, Park T, Ziegler T, Evans AR, Fitzgerald EMG. 2016. Suction feeding preceded filtering in baleen whale evolution. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 75: 71-82.

Hocking DP, Fitzgerald EMG, Salverson M, Evans AR. 2016. Prey capture and processing behaviors vary with prey size and shape in Australian and subantarctic fur seals. Marine Mammal Science. 32: 568587.

Hocking DP, Salverson M, Evans AR. 2015. Foraging-Based Enrichment Promotes More Varied Behaviour in Captive Australian Fur Seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus). PLoS ONE 10(5): e0124615.

Hocking DP, Salverson M, Fitzgerald EMG, Evans AR. 2014. Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) use raptorial biting and suction feeding when targeting prey in different foraging scenarios. PLoS ONE 9: e112521.

Hocking DP, Evans AR, Fitzgerald EMG. 2013. Leopard seals (Hydrurga leptonyx) use suction and filter feeding when hunting small prey underwater. Polar Biology 36: 211222.


Popular Science Articles

Profile at The Conversation

Hocking DP. 2013. Eat prey, sieve: Krill-sifting leopard seals, Australasian Science Magazine 34(7): 28-30. (Link)

Conference Proceedings

Hocking DP, Evans AR and Fitzgerald EMG, Salverson M. 2014Prey capture and processing behaviours vary with prey type in captive and wild fur seals. 60th Scientific Meeting of Australian Mammal Society, Melbourne Zoo

Hocking DP, Evans AR, Rogers TL, Slip DJ and Fitzgerald EMG. 2013. Leopard seals (Hydrurga leptonyx) use suction and filter feeding when hunting small prey underwater. 20th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. Duneedin New Zealand.    

Hocking DP, Evans AR and Fitzgerald EMG2012. Leopard seals (Hydrurga leptonyx) use suction and filter feeding when hunting small prey underwater. 58th Scientific Meeting of Australian Mammal Society, Port Augusta (Link)

Hocking DP, Evans AR and Fitzgerald EMG2011. Filter feeding in marine mammals: The importance of tooth shape in the evolution of feeding modesGeological Survey of Western Australia 2011, CAVEPS Perth 2011,13th conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution Palaentology and Systematics, April 27th–30th: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Record 2011/9, p.46. (Link)


Hocking DP2011.The case for filter feeding in the Antarctic leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) and its implications for the palaeoecology of fossil mysticetes. BS(Hons) thesis, School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne.


News and Media


Matt Kaplan 2012, How leopard seals lunch: Suck, swish, gulp... Eating big and little. The Economist (Link)

Ed Yong 2012, Leopard seals suck up krill like whales, 29th October 2012: Nature Online (Link)

Joanna Egan 2012, Leopard seals filter feed like whales, 2nd November 2012, Australian Geographic (Link)

 Bridie Smith 2012, Fangs for nothing: Antarctic predator reveals secret to its kriller diet, 30th October 2012: The Age, Sydney Morning Herald (Link)

Deborah Smith 2011, My, what big teeth. All the better to eat krill. 11th June 2011:The Sydney Morning Herald/The Age. Link

Academic Awards

Best student presentation at CAVEPS Perth 2011 (13th conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution Palaentology and Systematics, April 27th–30th)